Abalonyx AS produces and sells single layer graphene oxide (GO) and thermally reduced graphene oxide (rGO) in Kg-quantities and is presently developing a process for remediation of water contaminated with heavy metals and radionuclides based on GO. We are also involved in collaborative development of scaffolds for use in regenerative medicine as well as modified GO and rGO for use in composites for construction materials and energy storage. Our sister company, Graphene Batteries AS uses a special rGO-quality in its battery developments.
NanoIntegris is a subsidiary of Raymor Industries, an industrial-scale producer of graphene and SWCNT. Nanointegris Technologies is the world's leading supplier of high mobility semiconductor solutions. Our inks include high-purity, sorted semiconducting or metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) and graphene. They are used by leading OEMs and academics to develop the next generation of transparent conductive coatings, transistors, sensors and photovoltaics, as shown by over 500 published scientific studies using these advanced materials.
SURAGUS - Non-Contact Testing Solutions
SURAGUS GmbH is a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing Dresden, and develops contact-free testing systems for both inline and offline characterization of functional conductive thin-films (TCO, Nanowires, Graphen, Cu, Al, Zn). The eddy current testing solutions allow the fast and accurate analysis of several crucial quality characteristics. Through high resolution conductivity mappings, even defects and structural irregularities in complex layer systems can be identified.
The EddyCus TF series comprises solutions for non-contact thin-film characterization. Those are used to measure metal layer thickness,sheet resistance, conductivity, optical density, electrical (an)isotropy or the detection of (in)homogeneities and defects. A further application is the thickness measurement of wet layers and measuring residual moisture after drying processes. Furthermore, solutions for the characterization of boundary layers of bulk materials are used for the detection of near-surface defects or variations in the material composition or the evaluation of structural properties.
For their innovative approach to the development of non-destructive testing solutions, SURAGUS received the Innovation Award of the Free State of Saxony.
PLASMIONIQUE Inc, in Canada, and its affiliate PLASMIONIC Technologies, in USA, are specialized in development of Innovative systems and processes used for applications to Thin Film processing, Nanostructured Material Synthesis and Advanced Surface Engineering using Plasma-, Laser- and Vacuum-based technologies. The company is specialized in design and integration of customized systems in addition to several standard products, including FLARION Series, CVD, PECVD and RIE reactors, MAGNION series PVD systems, GLAZE series PLD systems, EVAD series thermal evaporation systems and PLUME series remote plasma / ion sources. The company also offers FLOTEST series test stations for development of sensors and fuel stations. Since 1999, the company scientists have been involved with development of dedicated systems and processes for synthesis of various nanostructured carbon allotropes, including CNT and Graphene.